Elijah turned five in March. Just before his birthday I wrote him this letter...
My baby boy you are five. Let me step back and look at the work that I have been entrusted to do. To raise you, to mold you, to shape you. Five years I have had you now. Five years to mold and shape you; chip off some of the hard edges, smooth out some of the wrinkles. The task of raising you is hard and the hours are long yet I look to the goal and press on. That is what daddies do. I won’t provoke but will bring you up.
I am raising you to only fear one. To die if it means life for your sisters, or your mother, or even your neighbor. Oh, and do that with a smile, considering it joy too. Son, you’re not there quite yet. There are glimpses. Sweet graceful glimpses. Like when you looked into your mothers water soaked eyes. “Mom it’s o.k. we will pray. God will bring the baby back to life.” With a mind full of stories of a God that speaks life and a heart full of a God that has conquered death; your little blue eyes were unflinching. Daddy was proud and you were right, even if we will meet that sibling another day.
I look forward to the day that I get to unleash you onto the battle field. This world full of pain, heart ache and loss. On that day your sword will be sharp and you will know how to use it. When the giants of destruction and the dragons of folly come to wage war I pray you thrust quickly with a war cry “Deuteronomy 6”, as one before you.
Your body will be marked with much pain and hardship; your soul will have no sting on it. When you die sweet son. Die well. Whether this year or in one hundred more, Laugh. Laugh at death. We all most die to really live. Remember your first death. Laugh loud, thankful for your part in this war, knowing victory is sure.
To that end I love you, discipline you, and call you son. Happy fifth birthday Elijah Joseph Zion. May your sword never rest until you see your savior.