The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
3 babes..precious babes, and they all speak.
uh-hem...check 1, 2, 3, 4....(events at random and not in chronological order)
Tim got a job. Fiamma turned a whopping 3, along with her Uncle James. Elijah started karate at Miller's Martial Arts. Had a blissful time away with my husband for his birthday and our 8th anniversary. Drove around aimlessly around Vashon Island. Finally caught up on laundry and also developed a high-tech system of how NOT to let it pile up again, so help me Jesus. Attempted to get my carpets cleaned and failed, but we had our heating ducts cleaned! We journeyed over to the Ballard Locks to see the large and massive salmon spawn; totally a moment where you are in complete awe of God's creation. Walked with a bee, a ballerina and a knight for some trick or treat. Tim got a job, not a different one, same one, but come on..praise Jesus. Went to the farm for a fun, adventurous day with the family and the kids got to ride Bob the horse. Collected leaves with the kids by the wheel barrow full. Fiamma had a check up and weighs a huge 40 pounds and is in the 95th percentile for height. Elijah discovered the crossbow via picture in a he needs one in order to protect his sisters. Began leading a women's bible study with Kirkland ladies from church. We keep returning to the French bakery whenever we can for their scrumptious, delightful, heavenly pastries....Divine. We made paper mache' puppets with the help of my creative sister and my lovely, just as creative, mother. Wonderful date nights with my husband, especially the one we were given at Cafe' Juanita. Truly excellent. Many long bike rides around Juanita Bay. Discovered a love for sushi...oh my. Finally pulled out the sewing machine and trying to gather up some ideas of things to create. Gratia can, with out a hitch, put on her own boots. "Morning baths" (by Fiamma and Elijah) in the puddles that accumulated in the front yard after a nights rain. Not exaggerating. That's actually the exact words they used to describe it when they knocked on the front door to come in. Lovely. These are all just "a few" events that have taken place since our beloved August. I know there are more, but the one that I want to end with for now is about my sweet precious, kind, little lady, Gratia. She speaks. She has not reached a stage of eloquence just yet, but she is almost there. She repeats everything she hears, and she hears a lot. So she has to be on her game consistently in order that she doesn't miss anything...I have 3 babes that talk. Chat. I love it. Love listening to them tell me that they want to read book mamma, or that there will be no spankings in heaven, or when they tell you that Jesus did die on the cross, but he rose 3 days later and He just walk, walk, walked out of the tomb, as they use their sweet precious fingers to also show me how easy it was for Him to do that. Oh Lord, how you are so faithful. These are all things that you have blessed me with. I have done nothing to deserve this. These are all evidences of Your grace. This is Your hand in our family's life. Lord, thank you for my children. The ones that I have here to hold in my arms and thank you for the ones that await for me in heaven. Thank you. You are a good, loving, gracious, all knowing, humble, holy, loving, protective, kind, generous, faithful, mighty, merciful Lord and Father.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
A lovely afternoon...
[This picture was taken toward the end of our adventure together. We are both wet, which pretty much implies that fun was had.]
Fiamma turned 3!
We celebrated by inviting all the princesses we knew!
We had a ball. Cinderella was a must as well as beautiful princess hats and a few beaded bracelets. Thank you all for those who came to celebrate Fiamma and her 3rd birthday. We are very blessed to have you all in our lives!
Monday, July 13, 2009
The past 6 months.
I am definitely learning patience and to just trust. TRrrrUSSSttttT. Such and easy word to say, but so hard to truly do with all of your heart, strength and mind. Trust Him with everything. Trust Him with Tim finding a new job, to trust Him with our marriage, to trust him with our finances, with our children, our home, the list or whatever you want to call it, it's endless.
I had no idea though.... I had no idea this is what God had for us, in order to stretch us and make us more like Him. I had no idea. I had no idea that our community of friends and family at church, the body we serve with and love, would carry us through this season. I had no idea what His people were capable of. I had no idea what the body of Christ was capable of. It's truly amazing.
I really didn't expect anything. Not because I had low expectations, we just had never gone through this type of trial before or gone along side someone who has. We were just, some doing it better than others, patiently waiting. Waiting for Him to show up. Knowing He has us here for a specific purpose and plan. And He did. He has. Thank you. Thank you Jesus. So with that said, He showed up.
(God you are so gracious. Your mercies are new every morning. Great is Thy faithfulness!)
It's hard to find the words to describe what it feels like when: you recieve cards in the mail without a return address and money inside, or when a dear friend writes you checks for the next 6 months hoping that it would be something substantial to ease the hardship and get our family by a little easier, or when gobs of families come together to make meals for you 3 times a week for 2 months, or how about when you return to your car after Sunday service and there is a goodie bag of clothes for the kids perched on the passenger seat and an envelope on your windowshield that is marked: THE ZIONS with a gift inside, or the random cash Tim will find in his back pocket from a friend that snuck it in with out him noticing until later that day, or when you haven't had a date night with your wonderful husband and just so happens Tim ran into someone earlier that day and gave him a gift card for a lovely dinner or two out, or when you find random boxes of food or other goodies on your doorstep, or when people want to do a Costco run for you without reimbursement, or when someone takes you to the gas station to fill our large enormous tank FULL. We are so full. Full because we serve a God who is so very faithful and because He has put this body of believers around our family so very tightly; to walk with us, to help, to pray, to talk with, and to grow us. To grow us ALL closer to Him.
To be continued.....
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
More thoughts....
Thursday, July 2, 2009
These are them.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
jOy UnSpeAkabLe
Today was such an ordinary day. We didn't go anywhere or have a fun adventure. We didn't have any guests over. We hung out in our home; clothing optional, as well as mudslinging. But I can tell God is changing my heart. Because if I remember correctly, the days when we stay home usually seem to be the hardest. Days act longer, children tend to be whinier, more accidents happen, ect.
I think what God is teaching me right now and I am finally grabing hold of (it's a process) and taking to heart is this: obedient children are not what gives me true joy. An accident free day is not perfect joy. A perfect husband is not where my joy waits. A delightful day without any chaos is not where my joy comes from.
True and perfect joy comes from the Lord. And He never changes. Never.
Doesn't matter what our day looks like. The key is we have a day. It's a blessing.
Any and every kind of day is a blessing.
My goal is not to have a good day (which would consist of obedient children, no chaos, limited change in schedule, no messes or accidents, ect).
My goal is to get up every morning and worship Him.
With every thought, deed, and action.
With all of me. For His glory.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
January 25th was a long time ago...
He is faithful. He has proven Himself on more than one occasion. He is taking care of us.
He is revealing himself.
One day at a time. That's all I can do. And race. Race toward the day when I will spend eternity with my Saviour in heaven.
I am being stretched.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
My girls.
these girls light up my life. between them both they are either keeping me dancing or singing. they truly are amazing. sisters. wow. we are so blessed to have these little ladies in our lives. i wish i had something more profound to write. i think though at this time i am in awe of God and the life that he has blessed us with.
Friday, January 23, 2009
She is now 1. Lord, keep our paths straight.
Gratia you are 1. You are walking, running, riding, loving outside. You love shoes. Wanting to wear yours. Happily wearing your coat around the house, with the hood up. You are a cuddler. You love to burrow your precious head in your special blanket when I hold you. You also like to walk around with a blanket on your head. A bit crazy. You love to play chase with your brother. Your favorite toy is a toothbrush. Your favorite food is pretty much anything. You hold our hands when we pray. You get so excited when your daddy comes home. You seek him out when you wake up from your nap "hi, dad". You love to sing and worship, at church or at home, always kicking and raising your hand. You love to dance with your sister. You never miss a beat. Fiamma has taught you well.
You are our little lady. Our precious little lamb. We love you dearly.
G gorgeous babe
R radiant
A adorable little lady
T truly a gift from above
I irresistibly sweet
A amazing; from your precious head to your itty bitty toes.
The Death of Death by John Owen.
This is the particular portion that I had the chance to read this morning. It resonated with me and thus felt called to share it.
Here goes.....
"To the question: what does it mean to believe on the lord jesus christ? its reply is: it means knowing ones self to be a sinner and christ to have died for sinners: abandoning all self righteosness and self confidence and casting oneself wholly upopn him for pardon and peace; exchanging ones natural enmity and rebellion against God for a spirit of grateful submission to the will of christ through the renewing of ones heart by the holy ghost. and to the further question still: how am i to go about believing on christ and repenting if i have no natural ability to do these things? it answers: look to chirst, speak to christ, cry to christ, just as you are; confess your sin, your impenitence, your unbelief and cast yourself on his mercy; ask him to give you a new heart, working in you true repentance and firm faith; ask him to take away your eveil heart of unbelief and to write his law within you that you may never henceforth stray from him. Turn to him and trust him as best you can and pray for grace to turn and trust more thouroughly; use the means of grace expectantly, looking to christ to draw near to you as you seek to draw near to him; watch, pray, read and hear gods word; worship and commune with gods people and so continue til you know in yourself beyond doubt that you are indeed a changed being a penitent believer and the new heart which you desired has been put within you. the emphasis in this advice is on the need to call upon christ directly, as the very first step. so do not postpone action til you think you are better, but honestly confess your badness and give yourself up here and now to the christ who alone can make you better and wait on him til his light rises in your sould as scripture promises that it shall do. anything less than this direct dealing with christ is disobedience of the gospel. such is the exercise of spirit to which the old evangel summons its hearers. "i believe-help thou mine unbelief" this must become their cry.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Welcome 2009.
The day is coming to a close. It's about 11:55 and I am listening to the fireworks taking place outside. All the babes are sleeping soundly. We partied
it up for Gratia in style and now are resting blissfully. We had a lovely dinner, family, some friends and some fine cake in the shape of a heart. Elijah kept asking for more cornbread.
I like cornbread, as does he, and took it as a compliment. Fiamma kept stealing cookies while drinking the rest of everyones water, not to mention a bite of her fathers olive that was left over from his gin martini. "Yucky" was the final answer. We ended the party reluctantly with some giggles. Lots of giggles. (Happy new years by the way. It is now officially 2009.)
This year has been a whirlwind, like every other year, but it doesn't seem like that long ago that we were walking through the door bringing our Gratia home to meet her brother and sister for the first time. I know much has happened. Mostly change. Not only are the kids older in years, but looking back at photos from last year this time, I am blown away at HOW they have changed. I am truthfully scared at how much more they will continue to change.
The one thing that comes to mind, though, as I look forward to what God has for us, is a prayer that my little girl Fiamma will often say. "Dear Jesus, thank you for Jesus. Amen."
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.